General Information


General information

Journal of English and Communication in Africa (JECA) aims at promoting Africa-centred research in English Language, Literature in English, and Communication Studies. Hence submissions are expected to be original, topical, and the research method employed are expected to be current, rigorous and insightful.  All submissions should be made by email to

Guidelines for Authors  

Manuscript Preparation 

  • The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word Format, Times New Roman 12 point.
  • It should be double-spaced throughout and with 3cm for left and right as well as head and foot margins.
  • A manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words including the abstract, endnotes and references.
  • Authors should note that their submission should not be any material previously published or under consideration by another journal.


  • Create a separate title page which should contain author’s information (Author(s) name(s) – in the order of first name(s) and last name, no initials please; affiliation, contact email and phone number)
  • The title of the manuscript should be concise and informative. Note that titles are often used in information-retrieval systems.
  • There should be no end marks in the title of the manuscript.
  • Please capitalize the first letter in each word of the title, except the function words or proper nouns.
  • Titles, such as Dr, Prof should not be included in the name of the author.
  • Avoid abbreviations and formulae in the title where possible.


  • Indicate the corresponding author, where there are multiple authors.
  • In a separate sheet, please provide the complete postal address(es).
  • And short bio-data of about 150 words of the author(s)

Abstract and Keywords

  • Every manuscript should have a concise abstract of about 250 words, stating briefly the purpose of the paper, the methods, the major results and conclusions.
  • Provide not less than 4 – 6 keywords immediately after the abstract.

Title and Subheadings

  • Title and subheadings should be in title case and should be brief and clear.
  • Do not number headings and subheadings.


  • Ensure that all in-text references are presented in the reference list.
  • Citation of a reference as ‘in press’ implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
  • You may use either APA or MLA referencing style (please get conversant with the most recent referencing format),